Saturday, February 28, 2015

September Winds

February 28, 2015… A beautiful Northeast September weather day in Southern California… 62degrees, 20mph wind off The Pacific Ocean, blue, partly cloudy skies and bright sunshine…

A quiet day at the beach due to the cool breeze... Facebook being the only interruption of thought… I sit in my chair and watch the seagulls soar… Hovering in the headwind… Dipping… Gliding… Rising… Playing… I imagine them as WWI dogfighters…

Later standing in the doorway of my RV I can see The Channel Islands and the ocean waves crashing on shore… I’m alive in the moment… It’s a continuous moment of thankfulness… I need to be nowhere… And thankful I’m here…

No hurry to go anywhere… I’ll be thankful again when I’m there… I'm at peace with life… There’s a lot of adventure left for the boys and I to live… Soaring on Ocean Breezes, Desert Santa Anna’s and Cool Mountain Winds… We're free to feel them all... 

The boys napping peacefully after another long walk in the sand… It feels good to be free… To be living a life where… There’s “No Vacation Necessary”

Saturday, February 7, 2015

No Vacation Necessary

Well, it’s a rainy Saturday in southern California… And I’m wondering where to start this… It’s a new blog page… 

While I may still post in the old one…
I most likely will only be referencing links to old blogs posted there…

So why the new blog page??? Medicinal purposes only I think you could say…

My annual physical results have spurred some deep thinking… A friend sharing this link with me this past week… caused my thoughts to run even deeper… I’m already doing this on a small scale now… Why not take it nationwide…

So the trip planned for Vegas this week is on hold… The boys and I will be a bit more ready for travel soon as some additional pieces fall into place…

The years working a death sentence schedule of long hours and shift work… While causing some aches and pains may now bring a payoff… In a couple of months, hopefully less, as retirement kicks in the boys and I will be on the road full time… No part time job necessary… Free to travel wherever, whenever…

We’ll be living a life where no vacation is necessary…

Solar panels will be added to the roof of the RV… Some additional small maintenance items will be taken care of… Additional unnecessary items will be discarded… Some needed necessary gear added… (ie… sun oven, a few more tools, a solar shower, etc.)

Travelling and camping mostly on BLM land… For free… We already did some of this a few years ago in Idaho… Albeit, then it was only a vacation…

The boys will have a yard every dog can be jealous of… The wide open spaces of most of the American West… Like pioneers in a covered wagon… Like the homesteaders of the 1800s… We will be off on the adventure of a lifetime…

I have already started marking spots on the map we want to see…

Comedy will still be a part of our lives… And I hope to book work wherever we travel…
Bookers… I’m still planning to be in Virginia Beach this August… Any and all work on the way east or on the way west again will be appreciated…

But the journey and living simply is ever so important now… I am feeling a bit like Thoreau on Walden Pond… And if/when we make it east we’ll probably visit there…

We are looking forward to meeting and making many new friends while also spending time visiting old friends on our travels…

Stories and photos will be posted here… So stay tuned… It’s going to be great!!!