Saturday, June 27, 2015

Comedy Back On The Grid… Day 2b…

Fruit for breakfast and lunch… Drinking lots of water… Too damn hot to be enjoyable…

Off the mountain… The heat and the flies were not pleasant for any of us… Even JJ wasn’t thrilled about going for a walk… Found a low cost RV park… Got a plug in… Got a shower… Running the AC… Sitting inside and writing while the boys take a nap…

WiFi here… I can post the first two blogs… 

Not cooking dinner ‘til the sun goes down… Breeze is actually a little better here… But still hot… Open the windows and just run fans tonight… Going to stay here ‘til Monday and figure out what’s next…

Going to have to go even higher or farther north or to the beach to escape the heat…

Time to post these blogs, the links on Facebook and let people know we are still alive… So for now I’ll say… “Happy Trails to You… Until I Write Again…

Comedy Off The Grid... Day 2a

Day 2a…

Most of this day’s blog was actually scribbled into a notebook yesterday as a random stream of consciousness, after I put the computer away for the day…

I will do my best to decipher the scribbles in no particular order and also update you on today’s interesting events in a seperate blog…

The incredible quiet… But since we are camped due north… The quiet is often pierced by flyovers from Edwards Air Force Base… Actually kind of cool…


Bears… Haven’t seen any… Hope not to… Thought about writing a short story fiction about Simon fighting off a bear that wanted his dinner… But considering how much Simon loves food… It would be too believable to be good fiction…

Propane doesn’t burn as hot at this altitude… It took a long time to cook hotdogs…

Maybe I’m not cut out to be the “Grizzly Adams” kind of guy I thought I was…
Where did I feel safer??? Living on the beach in Ventura or on an isolated mountainside???

Watching JJ’s head as he smells and hears things… The other two are sleeping off dinner…

A short after dinner walk… Stayed within sight of the RV… Riley’s legs and it’s getting dark…

Hot… Dusty… No breeze and lots of flies…

Fighting the urge to sleep too early… Haven’t slept very well, since leaving the hospital… I will tonight… Exhausted… Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually…

Reminding myself to stay in the moment... To enjoy the freedom of this moment… Thinking good thoughts… Not doom thoughts…

So hot dinner made me sick to my stomach…

There was a whole lot more scribbled into the notebook, but some of it I’m not ready to talk about yet… The deep thoughts will remain saved for now… Stay tuned I will…

So for now I’ll say… “Happy Trails to You… Until I Write Again…

Comedy Off The Grid... Day 1

Well, we didn’t get as early a start as I had planned… But we made it to Chimney Creek Campground about 12noon and pretty much had camp set up by 2pm… Things are pretty primitive, but as expected extremely quiet… I’ll be able to think lots of thoughts here and hopefully write most of them down… Not just of our camping trip, but also about recent hospital stay… So stay tuned…

Though also as expected there’s no cell or internet service… So there should be a good amount written by the time I can post these…

I hadn’t planned on the flies… I had planned on hiking naked… But now long sleeves and pants are a necessity… Hoping the breeze picks up to help keep the flies away and to cool things off… While cooler than Ramona and certainly the desert we drove through to get here… It is also a lot hotter than I anticipated it would be at 5700ft… I would rather write this in my underwear, than long sleeves and pants… Yes, I know I said I planned on hiking naked… But I never planned on sitting my bare ass on a wood bench to write this… I’ve had enough slivers in my ass sliding down the bannister of life… 

I’m sure the nights will be cooler… But we may look for a place even higher if the heat bothers the boys… So far they have marked the boundaries of our camp and while Riley and Simon now rest in the shade… JJ is reconnoitering farther away… We are all happy with Riley’s recovery… “The Comeback Kid” has done it again…

I mentioned the desert heat we drove through to get here… Unfortunately, there was no other direction to come from starting 5hrs south… I did find it interesting to see road signs for “Coldcock Whiskey” in a place you can sweat your balls off… Going to have to Google that when I get internet access again…

Death Valley was only 112miles to our east during our drive north on Route 395… We passed a place named Boron and just north of that a dirt “highway” called “Twenty Mule Train Hwy”… Nuclear cowboy visions danced in my head… I’m also pretty sure a famous cowboy said something about nuking an evil empire…

I’ve taken a few campsite pictures and plan on getting some during our morning hike tomorrow… They’ll all go up with these blogs, of course… But, NO Ladies… NOT pictures of me hiking naked…

There’s a High Fire Warning… So no open campfires are allowed… Which means the only open flame tonight will be the new bong I plan to “christen” with some of the bottled water I brought along… At 5700ft… We don’t need to be in Denver to be a “Mile High”…

Now the boys are telling me it’s time for their dinner… And yes, probably mine, too… So for now I’ll say… “Happy Trails to You… Until I Write Again…