Well… Trying to put the random thoughts running through my consciousness
into any sensible order is proving quite difficult… So this blog, while sure to
be entertaining… May prove to be a very difficult read…
Expanding upon some recent Facebook status updates… The
friend’s list trim is complete for now… Though I stand as ready to point and
click as I do to point and shoot… hopefully you do as well… Sadly, it’s coming
to our shores… Invited and imported… If you are reading this and you voted for Obama…
You voted for it to happen here… Proving you weren’t racist was more important
to you… Hell, we know you're not racist... One of you never fails to remind everyone your wife is half black...
“Free Healthcare” was more important to you and now you are surprised
to find out it isn’t “Free”…
Sadly, many of the ones cut from the friends list will never
admit to being fooled… I guess you just can’t give up feeling smarter than
everyone else after taking 6 years to complete community college… Please just once give me something to respect
about you… Just once admit the idiots you blindly vote for are criminals…
I won’t hold my breath waiting for it… This time you’ll vote
for Bernie because you want something for free… Or you’ll vote turn a blind eye
to Hillary’s criminal behavior and a deaf ear to her lies and pull the lever… Massaging
your conscience by saying something stupid like… “I vote straight line American
Workers Party”…
How's that been working out for you anyway??? Some of you are living in the ghetto... Some of you are still home with mom and dad... They must be so proud...
Yeah, whatever makes you feel better…
Moving down the list of subjects I made to touch on today…
Plans for the future…
Well… Who knows what the future holds come springtime… Could
be nuclear war…
But hoping for the best… The boys and I will be heading to
the mountains somewhere… Washington, Oregon, Colorado or California for obvious
reasons… Maybe as a camp host on BLM or Forestry Service land… Or maybe just as
a long term off the grid camper…
There are numerous options… I’m not going to list them here…
I kind of like people not knowing where the fuck I am… Hell, there’s plenty of
times I have no idea where I am… Why the fuck should anyone else know???
While we are doing okay for now living in town… It’s not a
big town… It’s much better living far from everyone…
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it
had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” - Henry
David Thoreau
Ready, willing and able to defend our right to life, liberty
and pursuit of happiness… We are stocking up on more than candy bars to take
camping with us… ‘nuff said…
Doing everything possible to keep Riley as healthy, happy, strong
and with us on our adventures as long as possible…
The boys and what’s best for them continue to be the basis
for most of my decisions… I wouldn’t want it any other way…
The blessings continue for us daily… Sometimes simple and
small… Sometimes much bigger… Being mindful of my thoughts to manifest good…
Aware and grateful for even the simplest good that comes our way…
Opportunities, my job, friends, an extended hand, a simple smile and a pleasant
conversation… Appreciating it all…
Gratitude is my god and religion… Practice and celebrate
Thanksgiving daily…
Time for dinner…