Sunday, July 31, 2016

South By Southwest...

With still some months of summer left to be spent in the Cascade Mountains of central Washington… Plan A is evolving to drive down and camp along the Oregon and California coastline… Stay tuned for plenty of pictures…

Work has just been started on a possible Plan B... But it's not far enough along yet to decide if it would be an alternative to Plan A or to mention it here...
"Too soon" as they say...  

Often accused of being Psycho and with the screenplay of my life already like something out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie…  If we stick with Plan A... Maybe we’ll make a stop at the Bates Motel…

Oregon coastline… Then California… With stops planned to see the Redwoods, Point Reyes National Seashores and Big Sur… A stop in Ventura to see some friends… Then Slab City… At least to say I’ve been there… One of these winters I’d like to spend the whole winter there…

Then Arizona and into New Mexico… A stop in Roswell, NM for a “family reunion”. If I don’t trade the RV for a UFO… Then we’ll finally get to this winter’s stop in Alamogordo/White Sands, NM…

Already planning on taking a tour of the Trinity Site in White Sands next spring… One day a year the site of the first atomic bomb test is open to the public… Which brings me to one of my favorite quotes… Ironically made during an election year… “Built in America, tested in Japan.” – Ross Perot

I’m psycho, remember…

There’s more stops planned and research continues on other interesting things for Simon and I to see and do along the way and this winter... 

While Simon and I are enjoying our time together as the "Last of the Moheathens"... There is also the possibility of finding him a new brother this winter in New Mexico... 

Though I haven't been blogging as much as I should or would like to... I'm still filling journal notebooks by hand... Turning the scribbles and sometimes random thoughts into readable and hopefully entertaining blogs hasn't always come easy... 

So stay tuned faithful readers... You, Simon and I will fight through some writers block together and share our adventures...  

Priceless Freedom...

"My story isn't sweet and harmonious, like invented stories. It tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream, like the life of all people who no longer want to lie to themselves."
- Hermann Hesse

It's not just about what happened... But also... Why did it repeatedly happen??? From one bad relationship to the next… Well, finally the universe has shed the understanding I have been searching for...

Long ago... In a galaxy far, far away... It was ingrained in me that what I wanted never mattered as much as what everyone else wanted... That well, I just didn't deserve the things and the life I wanted...I finally know now it wasn't true...  

Taught that other’s needs, wants and the chaos they create to get it were more important... Taught this from early on by evil and reinforced by evil and bad relationships throughout my life... From one bad relationship to another… Taught to falsely believe that if I gave and met others needs mine would be met as well... Evil people feed on that... Makes you think and believe that initially… Then it overwhelms you with chaos to maintain the control it fears it will lose if you finally get what you want... Evil never was intending to really lend support to my wants and needs… It was only constantly feeding the lie that they were…

It leads to a stolen life... I’ll never get back the hours spent working jobs that I hated chasing paychecks long since spent to trying to appease, please and in the end trying to buy myself peace from the controlling chaos… Controlling chaos that I mistakenly repeatedly opened the front door of my life to… Finally understanding this is part of finally being free of it... Of never repeating it again… 

Yes, youth… And its years of earning power and money has been lost… Pissed away on ungrateful evil… Ungrateful evil only interested in what can be done for them today… Chaos interested only in control… Narcissistic in its need for it…

Now finally understanding this… There’s no more need to talk about what’s been lost… It’s time to only focus on what’s been gained… Certainly there’s been a life time of experiences… In the end, though not all the experiences have been positive… There’s been more good ones than bad ones… Certainly some I’ve had experiences only a few people get to have… Certainly, some hard lessons were learned along the way… But we’re not talking about the cost of those lessons any longer…  

Looking back… What’s been gained??? Yes, a lifetime of experiences and adventure… Yes, certainly some dreams fulfilled… I have seen just about all corners of this world and this country… I fulfilled a dream to tour as a road comic and have lived adventures only a few people get to have…

I have had the love of many a fine dog and we’ve shared adventures some dogs only dream about… I have friends near and far across this land… New friends and old friends…

What have I gained??? One word… FREEDOM… A price tag can never be put on that…