Thursday, October 22, 2015

Only the Lonely...

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. - Henry David Thoreau

I came across this link a few days ago and it started me thinking… Yes, the gears were grinding and noisy…

I realized it was because I haven’t taken the time lately to oil them… I wasn’t “lonely” in the mountains on my way back to Idaho Falls… Just the dogs and me…

Many places without a cell phone signal or internet connection… Time to think… Time to write… Time to be with me… Time to be grateful… Time to listen… No distractions… No bustle… No hustle… No place to be and all day to already be there… Never lonely…

Yes, there were the daily chores of living… Caring for myself and the boys… But there was never a rush… Though Simon always seems to be in a rush to eat… We never ate “alone”…

I took the time daily… To think… To be grateful… To listen… To write… And though the only human contact I had for 8 weeks was when stopping for fuel… I was never lonely…

“ …for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want…” Php4:11-12

What I realized after reading the article referenced above is… Now that I am in “town” virtually surrounded by people comparatively speaking… I do feel alone…

The distractions of life too easily eating away at the time to think… To listen… To feel… There’s deadlines, work schedules and trips to the gym that all need to be fit in around the daily chores of living… All the while surrounded by people all doing the same thing… All going the nowhere at the same break neck speed… All of them alone…

Not realizing the need to slow down… None of them truly connecting to each other… None of them realizing the need to connect with themselves first… Too busy to think about it… Too busy to listen to the “small quiet voice” inside them trying desperately to be heard… It screams… “Slow down!!! Shut up!!! Listen!!!” All of them alone while surrounded by life…

While always trying to remember to be grateful… I realized I had gotten out of the habit of writing a list of gratitude’s first thing each day… Something I started doing each day while in the mountains… Sometimes many, sometimes only a few… It slowed me down and made me stop to remember how blessed I am… I wrote a new list today…

Off from work until 11 pm tomorrow night… I am taking the time to reconnect again with myself… With the boys and the universe… To think… To listen… To feel…  And while I will be here, in Idaho Falls, for a while… Research is being done and plans are being made to again… Create a life I don’t need a vacation from…

For those who may be wondering… As far as comedy goes… I have no desire to integrate into a local comedy scene anywhere… See my statement above concerning feeling alone while being surrounded by people…

Occasional road comedy or no comedy is fine with me… I’ll be working at the hotel for now... Doing some media and voice over work… Writing this blog and maybe a podcast from the forest sometime next year…

And for those who need to get away there will always be a seat beside my camp fire…

Well… It’s time to sit and listen again today… So… Happy Trails to you… Until I write again… 

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