Wednesday, June 15, 2016

How Much Is That Doggy In The Window???

I wrote this 12 years ago… Seems like a perfect time to re-post it… If you don’t cry you might be a terrorist…

Having just completed two weeks of evening and midnight shifts, I ventured out this morning headed to the country garden store. A time to reacquaint with myself as I loaded up on cat food, dog food and rawhide bones. I must have taped a sign on my back as I entered the store… "Bad A$$, but Soft Heart".  Hmm.....

As I checked out what should appear?  But a miniature Jack, so young and so pure.

We're looking for a home for this guy, said the checkout girl.  As I stopped to say hi and ogle the puppy. 

How old is he?

Six weeks, we call him JJ.

Of course he was cute, most puppies are. But a puppy was NOT on my shopping list this morning, so I proceeded to the door. Almost out to the safety of the truck, the big invisible hand held up a stop sign. Turning me around it drew the words right out of me.

How much is he?  Expecting to hear a figure high enough in the hundreds to justify NOT getting him.

Free, to a good home!

Put the dog food in the truck... I'll go buy some puppy chow.

So now Riley had a brother, JJ (for Jack Junior?) was here. Doolittle that is, so he was talking soon enough...

And talk he did for 12 straight years… Goodbye JJ… You were the best ever…I’ll be forever grateful to that big invisible hand that knew I needed you much more than you needed me… I will always love you… 

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