Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Looking Back, Looking Back, Looking Back... (Sung to the tune of Welcome Back, Kotter)

So... Looking back...

2003 to 2010... She couldn't find a job or hold any she did manage to find in the Rochester/Williamson N.Y. area... Somehow that was my fault...

2010 to 2013... She couldn't find a job or hold the ONE she did find in the Idaho Falls area... Somehow that and the 50 pounds she gained in 10 yrs was my fault, too...

Funny... I found a job immediately in California and kept it 7 months until it was time to move...

Funny... I lost 25 pounds cooking for myself... Walking everyday and not drinking a half gallon of gin every week to stand living with her...

Even funnier... I have been back in Idaho Falls less than a month... Found a job ON THE WAY here... Found TWO MORE since getting here... Found them today…

Yes, I have three part time jobs and turned another one down... Couldn't be happier... Freedom will do that to you... Yep, that's my fault, too...

Be careful what you believe... Or she'll have you believing she really was a joy to live with... And that... That will be your own fault... I warned you... #irony