Sunday, July 26, 2015

Dragnet... "Dum - - - de - DUM - DUM"
This is the city… Silver City…

 My name’s Patty…  Hamburger Patty…

My partner, Bull Shitand I were working the Homogencide Division… When we got a call about an attempted homogencide on a camper…

Steve The Nuclear Guy… Had been in town just a few days when he “met” some ATVers while out hiking with JJ and Simon, two of his dogs… The “meeting” was far from coincidental…
Having posted his intention on Facebook, for the world and his ex-wife
to see, to travel to the Idaho back country and visit our fair city… It proved to be the perfect time and place for “the hit”…

Easily set up to look like an accident… The fellow campers/ATVers who he had "met" on the trail were leaving town 3 days before Steve The Nuclear Guy… Kindly offering him the “firewood” they had picked up “while on the trail” on their way out of town… It proved to be anything but simple firewood… Rigged to explode and scatter sparks across his campsite, intending to cause a fire which would kill him and his dogs in a tragic “accident”…
Luckily, Steve’s background as a volunteer fireman and nuclear power plant fire brigade captain saved his dogs, his RV and himself…

His ex-wife…
Still bitter he had chosen his dream of a comedy career over her... Steve added to her bitterness by forgoing that dream to care for his dogs and pursue a life of adventure on the road with them in places like Silver City... Rather than a boring life with her... Now on the run, she is wanted for questioning in this case… Anyone with knowledge of her whereabouts is asked to please contact the Silver City PD to help us solve this case… And bring her to justice…

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